About Us


Poverty Relief Team is a non-profit organisation that works to boost humanities battle against poverty, social injustice and the devastating effects natural disasters have on human lives around the world. We intend to achieve this by implementing real and effective solutions that not only help to provide much needed immediate assistance but also help to establish long-term self-sustainability programmes.

We work all year round to create healthcare, education and housing projects that improve livelihoods and pave the way for self-sufficient and empowered communities. Alongside our all year-round work, in times of emergency, we supply much needed lifesaving food, medical help and disaster relief which is an essential intervention that saves lives.

Our expert local staff can reach some of the world's most difficult-to-reach locations at the most critical moments.

Our Aim

Poverty Relief Team endeavours to become the foremost agent in worldwide change for a more just, caring and sustainable world free of poverty, malnutrition and water scarcity; a world filled with justice, love and compassion that creates a future in which any individual from anywhere in the world can achieve their full potential without the barriers associated with poverty.

Our Objective

To work at a global level on the development of humanitarian issues. To fight for humanity, equality, impartiality and global independence while transforming and empowering local communities, saving lives and eradicating poverty.

Our Principles

You can read more about our faith-based group, which is motivated by Islamic principles, below.

Why do we think our principles matter?

Our distinctive character as a faith-based organisation is shaped by our principles. They provide a framework for holding Poverty Relief Team accountable to our partners, staff, supporters, and the most vulnerable individuals in society. They also describe how Poverty Relief Team assists those in need. Our organization's effectiveness is increased, and our vision is realised with the support of our principles.

We at Poverty Relief Team represent justice as ambassadors. Our goal is to end poverty on a global scale and guarantee that everyone is treated with dignity and compassion.


Our Policies For Donations



The Poverty Relief Team recognises the significance of Amanah, as well as the obligation and accountability that it entails. We take pride in being entirely transparent and will always endeavour to provide all our donors with an update from the moment you donate to the moment your donation reaches fruition whether that be the provision of a food pack, providing shelter or sacrificing an animal.

When donating (via website or bank transfer), please specify the charitable aim(s) you wish your donation to be applied to. These donations are strictly designated for the charitable aim that was specified. If no charitable aim is specified, the trustees may allocate these donations to causes of a more urgent nature.

If a donation amount is insufficient to cover the whole cost of a charitable aim, the trustees will exercise their discretion in covering the shortfall from general (unrestricted) funds to ensure the charitable aim is fully completed.

If the charitable need for which we have raised funds no longer exists or has been met, the trustees will use their judgment to determine the donors' intent and ensure the funds raised will be redirected to similar or more urgent projects closely related to their specified charitable aim.

We collect and apply donations according to Islamic categories such as Fidya, Kaffarah, Zakat and Aqiqah. Due to the Shariah requirements, the trustees will choose the countries for these donations based on overall considerations.

In the beneficiary's best interests, the charity assesses their requirements and with their permission (Wakalah), provides them with what they necessitate, such as food, shelter, emergency relief and clothing.

Gift Aid Policy

We prioritise administration expenditures when we are able to collect Gift Aid from UK taxpayers. Any Gift Aid collected in excess of our administration fees is deposited in our general fund for humanitarian help.

100% Donation Policy

Poverty Relief Team has a 100% donation policy, and all donations are used for project execution and service.

Gift Aid and specific donations for administration are excluded. All administrative expenditures for the charity are funded by donations for administration or from funds generated from recycled clothing.

The UK government's Gift Aid scheme reclaims tax on your donation (where stated). This permits taxpayers to boost the value of their charitable contribution by 25%. This additional funding is designated for the administration of the charity.

Zakat Policy

The Poverty Relief Team follows a 100% donation policy for all gifts, including Zakat, Sadaqah, and Lillah.

The policies and processes ensure that the Zakat collected is allocated and implemented correctly in accordance with Shariah Law.

Wherever possible, the Poverty Relief Team provides Zakat in cash. However, in war-torn countries and rural places around the world, where the money has no value or people have limited access to acquire help and other necessities, the currency has minimal worth.

In the interest of the recipient, the charity assesses the people's requirements and provides them with what they need, such as food, shelter, emergency relief, and clothing, with their agreement (Wakalah).